Wednesday 6 April 2016

Reading, Rewriting and Red Frogs

This giant stack of books is being read in the name of research. Research, I tell you! I'm not trying to procrastinate from assignments ... no way!picanom-picture-04_2016-04-02  *Stares aimlessly at half-complete assignment in open Word document*
The great thing about living on campus at university is the huge library within skipping distance (not that I skip, mind you. Usually, a calm stroll). Amongst the rows of lonely textbooks is the well-stocked Fiction. This is where I haunt.
As the greats advise, you need to read, read, read in order to write, write, write. So these books in the photo show how I spend any free time I have. Reading is a great way to soak up tips on what is successful in children's books. But you also have fun at the same time! A lot of these books in the photo I have read  before and loved, some are new to me but I have enjoyed them, and a couple are still waiting to be read and I can't wait to delve into them.
As for the writing side of things, or mostly rewriting as it has been of late, I have finished drafts of three picture book texts and am working on manuscripts for two novels. One picture book is on Draft #19 and has been banished to a bottom drawer until it behaves itself. The second picture book manuscript is on its third draft and has also been placed on 'bottom drawer duty'. It's not nearly as troublesome, but it still needs time in hibernation to figure out what it's trying to say and how it's going to say it, in order to be the best it can be.
I wrote the final picture book text last night. While culling old emails I found a manuscript I submitted to a publisher 2 years ago. Thanks to my jam-packed brain, I had forgotten this manuscript ever existed. Upon re-reading, the problem with it was apparent: there was no problem! No conflict in the story at all! (Having a fresh read after leaving it for 2 years will do that to a story). So I changed some existing sentences around then rewrote it completely. I was itching to make some corrections, tidy that word, add this sentence, but resisted. It went with its cousins into the bottom drawer so I mss draftsmay have a fresh perspective in a few weeks. (Two separate picture book manuscripts on the right. Both heavily revised, as you can see). 
As for this blog title's reference to red frogs ... I consumed exorbitant amounts while writing and reading yesterday. Confectionery, not amphibian.
And now I shall return to my pile of books. And my assignments...

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