Wednesday 6 April 2016

Garages, Giraffes and Thirteen Drafts

I didn't expect to write a picture book yesterday.
ce7d8b3d1785e7765aaece4bb03acf1cAs I scolled through Facebook, I saw a posting for a garage sale. And then the next posting was about giraffes in Africa.
The idea came instantly, all tied up in a bundle with a neat bow: "What if a giraffe lived in a garage?"
It wasn't just the alliteration I loved. The story seems very endearing to me.
I played with the idea for a few minutes and now, about 30 hours or so later, have written 13 drafts of the story. Number 13 can either be lucky or unlucky. It's feeling right to me. But away it shall go in the bottom drawer.
A manuscript emerging after a hibernation always brings out things you never notice the first time round.
I really love the idea for the story, even though it took me away from current W.I.P. A novel I started 2 years ago and wrote 20,000 words in one week and then stopped and didn't touch it again till this month. I now have 21,000 words and will go back to it no

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