Wednesday 6 April 2016

My Writing and Me

I mainly write children's and teen fiction. I have a couple half-finished manuscripts that are for older teens or adults, but I enjoy writing for younger people more. Here is a little about me and my writing history. Some publications but not yet a book, but some great opportunities to have my work read nonetheless!

My name is Brenton Jay Cullen. I'm a writer from Queensland. I love all things book related. This blog is the story of my writing, book reviews, interviews, musings and what not.
Please feel free to leave me a comment, follow me on Twitter at @brentoncullen, or shoot me an email to 
My favourite authors are J.K. Rowling and Alexandra Adornetto.
There are too many to list but some of my favourite Australian authors are Rebecca James, Wendy Orr, Libby Gleeson, Emily Rodda, Jackie French, Steph Bowe and Jack Heath.
The writing quotes I live by:
“When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done.”
—Stephen King
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
"Writing is its own reward." – Henry Miller


I've been lucky enough to have had several pieces of my writing published in various formats and some of them are here. I've also included some opportunities and awards I've been very fortunate to receive.
Articles & Columns
A column of an interview with children's author Wendy Orr,  in WQ (Writing Queensland) Magazine - 2011
An article on the writing process, in WQ (Writing Queensland) Magazine - 2007
'Books, Music & Movies with Brenton Cullen' - regular entertainment column in newspaper The South Burnett Times from 2011 - 2013.
Various book reviews and columns in various magazines & online e-zines.
Short Stories & Poems
'Daredevil Granny', short story, included in anthology A Collection of Stories & Poems by Young Writers, published by Young Writers' House Company, U.K., 2009.
'Playing with Friends,' poem, included in OzKids in Print magazine, February 2013 issue.
Play Scripts
'The Days Dwindle Down', a one-act play script, performed by Nanango Theatre Company, July 2013.
Opportunities & Awards
Scholarship recipient to Meanjin Young Writer's Camp, 2007 (workshops by authors such as Pat Flynn, Sue Gough, and Simon Higgins).
Recipient of USQ Scholarship to QLD Theatre Company's Drama Camp, September 2013.
Nominee for local Australia Day Award in category of 'Cultural Award' for community theatre and writing contributions, January 2014.

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