Wednesday 6 April 2016

A Fresh Start

I once had a blog documenting my writing 'W.I.P's' but it has since gone down the black hole that is the internet. In truth, I missed having a platform where I could ramble on about books and writing and literature and manuscript drafts and rejection letters. So I have decided to start anew and create this blog. Less rambling this time I hope.
I am a student soon to change degrees to study English Literature and Writing & Society ('Creative Writing' in layman's terms). I have published articles, columns, short stories in magazines and a short story in a traditionally-published anthology in the U.K.
I wrote my first story when I was 5. I began submitting stories for publication when I was 9. Writing has been the most important factor in my life.
I yearn to publish a book. However, my yearning to simply write is greater. I think of stories and spend hours writing and rewriting without even entertaining the idea of publication. And I know this constant writing is my education: to weed out my bad habits, to develop my own style, and to learn the true craft of writing.
I have received approximately 50 rejection letters in 10 years of submitting various stories. It was a let down each time I opened a rejection letter, naturally. But now I am a little more mature I realise I was not ready to be published then. As many great writers have said, and said to me personally, 'Perseverance is key'.
I will never give up trying to be a published novelist. And though the thought of traditional publication brings a certain point of 'validation' to one as a writer, I know that to keep on writing, if only ever for just myself, is the most important thing. Hopefully, I shall not die until I am old and decrepit. But when I do, I shall be holding a pen poised above paper.

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