Wednesday 6 April 2016

Discovering New Books

I almost cried (well, almost got a little teary) today in the uni library.
I discovered two picture books and they were both so sad but also uplifting and so beautiful I felt very moved. Not just the exquisite text in both books, but also the remarkable illustrations.
tanglewood-wildI have always thought that there can be instances where no words are necessary; the story is told perfectly through pictures.
After all: "A picture tells a thousand words".
'Tanglewood' is about a tree on an island who feels so lonely he thinks about giving up on living. He is desperate for companionship, for a seal to lay under his branches, for a dolphin to jump out of the water and say hello ... then one day a lost seagull comes across the tree.
6'Grandpa' is the story of a little boy whose grandfather has passed away. The little boy often felt annoyed by the old man when he was alive. The boy was sick of hearing his grandfather's boring stories and jokes over and over again. But after Grandpa's funeral, and now knowing he will never hear them again, the little boy realises just how much he'll miss those boring stories.
Two new favourites of mine. They're a couple years old now but definitely look out f
or a copy. 

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