Tuesday 25 May 2021

Writing Progress for 2021

I can't believe it's been 5 years since I last blogged here. So much has happened, personally and professionally, as I continue my journey of writing goals. As I have written more this year than any other year since I began writing and submitting manuscripts at the age of 9 (yes, 9), I have decided to get back into the habit of blogging my writing process this year. Even if nobody cares to read this, and it is sent out to the cosmic void, it is at least good writing practice. 

This year so far, I have written 8 picture book texts (one of them has 27 drafts, one 14 drafts, and the other only five drafts). Three of the eight texts are the ones I had been working the hardest on - revising and rewriting and setting aside for weeks at a time then revising again. The other 5 texts I have put in my 'back burner' pile (including the one with 27 drafts). Some were plain bad and didn't turn out as I hoped and others I just felt unsure what to do with anymore. 

I have 3 picture book texts currently out on submission with various literary agencies in AUS, UK and USA. I have received 34 rejections on manuscripts this year with roughly 40 more submissions still languishing on agent's desks as I wait to hear from them.

This may sound disheartening but I am proud of these numbers. It means I am actually taking that leap and TRYING! After a long time of not writing or trying to publish, from my mid-teens to about 23 or 24, I am happy to have plunged back in. I have received some nice feedback in some of the rejections too which is a good sign (I think).

Apart from the 8 picture book texts, this year so far I have also written 3 novels: 

a whimsical children's fantasy (32,000 words - 2 drafts completed), 

a comic-fantasy for 10-14 year olds (55,000 words - currently on the 3rd draft - the first book in a planned series of 5) 

a chapter book for 6-10 year olds about a little boy's adventures on a boat (10,000 words - 2 drafts completed. A standalone but part of a planned series)

an epistolary light-fantasy for 9-12 year olds (1st draft half-written)

This is all while in my second year of studying Psychology, working two jobs at a museum and library, paying attention to my partner, and reading voraciously - all I can say is, I really want this and make it a priority. Plus, getting up at 5:15am to write is so worth it!

I'm proud of myself as I've definitely picked up my pace of writing output, thanks to the planning and outlining I have found to be invaluable help to get the words flowing. 

The story ideas can live in my head for months or years; the comic fantasy is my passion project I have been planning since 2014, but did not set pen to paper to complete a first draft until 6 years later. The chapter book for 6 year olds I have been thinking about since 2016. 

My brain and ideas notebook is brimming with more ideas. As soon as I finish a two drafts of two books then revise another, I have two stories racing to be the first in line to tackle next. 

Can't wait x

1 comment:

  1. Love your commitment to your craft! Don't ever take rejection as failure. It's all just part of the experience and I'm sure if you persevere you will find success :)
