Thursday 9 March 2023

My May Gibbs Fellowship Adventures in Adelaide - Week 1! (March 3rd to March 10th)


my WEEK ONE in review

What an amazing week already! Mary Wilson greeted me at The Burrow and turned my nerves of being in a strange city, with anxiety about how I would begin, into dust with her ability to welcome me so warmly and put me at ease. Mary and I had a great chat about her involvement with the Trust, her history with saving Nutcote (May Gibbs' house in Sydney), and what the Fellowship was like. Then Mary drove me around so I could get my bearings - and even stopped at her gorgeous house on the hill, where I learned some cool facts about the incredible history of her home - I even got a sneak peak at Mary's 'May Gibbs Room' which was beautiful!

I settled in that night with impostor syndrome and a side of homesickness, missing my partner terribly, but soon eased into the place after realising, from the entries by previous Fellows in the apartment journal, that I was not alone in my thoughts....


From reading the Fellow Journals (from 2000 to 2021!), every other creator who has stayed in this apartment like me had the same qualms, anxieties, nerves, and insecurities that I had about being here. They all were unsure of where to begin their wriitng or illustrating project, or else got half-way through a project and felt stuck, or else went through impostor syndrome (My first couple days I kept thinking, 'Do I really deserve to be here?')

I must stress how reassuring and warm and welcoming the May Gibbs Trust and the ladies in the support group have been: Julie, Mary, Elizabeth, and many more of the group who I am meeting for a 'Welcome Dinner' this weekend. The Burrow is the perfect spot for thinking time, writing time, resting time, and reading time and I am treasuring every scrap of glorious moment of my time here. 


-after being met by lovely Mary Wilson who gave me the tour of Norwood and The Burrow and even a sneak peek at her amazing house (she has a May Gibbs Room!), my first full day on Saturday was spent, accompanied by Elizabeth Hutchins, at the Kids Day at Writers Week Festival,  I enjoyed immensely the chance to hear Elizabeth's stories of her publishing career (I read several of her books when I was about 8-11 years old so it was a thrill to ask her about them). 

-it was really terrific to see three author sessions at Writers Week with Elizabeth, including Kate and Jol Temple, Mem Fox, and Kat Patrick. Later in the afternoon, after getting to grips with the city surrounds right beside the Memorial Gardens where the Writers Week was held, I went back to the Festival and caught two more talks in the afternoon. Later on in the week, I made it to the Festival to hear a session about writing biography. Although it was aimed at adults, it was a really interesting topic to hear about and I learnt a lot, as I am here working on a biographical project for children. 

-On Monday, I spent a glorious day trekking to the South Australian Museum and the State Library of SA and the dazzling Mortlock Wing. Many, many photos were taken and many gasps were had at the beauty of these places. I also had the best morning exploring the Botanic Gardens and the Museum of Economic Botany. I will defintely make return visits to the Gardens. These places were fun to sight-see but I also was performing research into environmental themes and greenhouses for my middle-grade novel I am also working on while in Adelaide. 

-Monday night, Julie Wells picked me up and we went to Burnside Library for CBCA Night of the Notables. I soaked in all the books and creativity around me and sat a bit stunned - I felt part of the community, and I loved it - I adored hearing from the authors who spoke and from the CBCA members who touted their picks for CBCA Book of the Year. I left with a long list of new books I had to read!

-Dillons Bookshop and Dymocks Rundle Mall were some bookshops I paid a visit to and came out a little worse for wear, with sagging bags filled to the brim of so many beautiful books (all in the name of 'research'...).

-lots and lots of walks around Adelaide city and around Norwood suburb with gorgeous scenery and beautiful architecture! 

WHO I'VE MET - Week One

-I have been assisted fabulously by Kate, the curator, at the UniSA Library who's been a wonderful help to me with perusing and studying the Colin Thiele Archives.



                                             working my way through the Colin Thiele archives

-I was introduced to several lovely SA authors, and had a chat with them about their work and my Fellowship experience, at several different events, like Janeen Brian, Charlie Archbold, Mem Fox, Sally Heinrich, Mike & Becky Lucas, as well as some lovely folks Lauren and Kristen from SCBWI and Writers SA, and some members of the SA Branch of the Childrens Book Council. I sometimes tend to not like doing much talking - I have always preferred to listen to other people's stories and experiences and I was in awe of the wonderful people I met who are fascinating to me, with incredible achievements of theirs in the book world. I loved listening to everyone!


-despite not know where to begin, and despite knowing I had two projects to work on, my first night brough two ideas (out of the blue!) for two picture books which I began writing the first drafts of. Also on the first night, I completed a full draft, right through without stopping, of a poem. That never happens!

-later on in this first week, I have made at least ten pages of notes, and taken many photographs of records, from my visits to the Colin Thiele archives and have begun working out the structure of my biographical project on Colin.

-I also have begun editing the third draft of a chapter book I wrote last year

-I still have my second main project, a middle grade novel, to begin work on but ideas are bubbling in my head and I've taken notes and am gearing up to make that my main focus next week. 

As for what's next, I have plans to visit the legendary Pegi Williams Bookshop and I want to go to the Adelaide Zoo! Among many other places, but I look forward to the next couple days of intensive writing and then ... Bring on Week Two!